Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hey everybody! I am Andre Martin Pedalino (aka "AMP"). 19 years of existence of this world and is currently living in a small yet crazy and beautiful city called Bacolod. Currently studying Marketing Management in CSA-B and battling my inner demons every single day (evil laughs).


A.M.P. is the initials of my full name and coincidentally it is also the abbreviation of my favorite things in life which are ART, MUSIC/MOVIES & POP

This blog will be mostly about TEN things :

1. ART
I will be posting my artworks such as drawings,sketches,paintings,DIY shoes,etc. or anything that deals and talks about art itself. But don't be so sure that I'll be posting my artworks every single day because I only draw or do something "artsy" when I'm in a mood.(haha)

From Lady Gaga to Zedd to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis to Rihanna to Chris Brown to Far East Movement! Music has been a BIG part of my life since I was little. I remember one of my aunt told me that when I was a baby when they put the TV on MTV, I would just stare at the TV looking so happy and when they change the channel I would go nuts and cry! So yeah I am a certified music lover (insert stamp sound haha) Basically, I have no specific genre in music, when I know it's good music,then it's good music! Lastly, I also tried writing songs on my own! Click THIS link to check out what I've written and sang by my friend.

So yeah I'm not a big fan of Teleseryes (Filipino TV Shows) but I am addicted with so many US TV shows which I can't even count!From Game of Thrones,The Walking Dead,Modern Family,American Horror Story,etc. So,I will also be blogging about a review of a season of a particular TV series.

"A movie everyday would not hurt my eyes" yes, I watch a film (or as many as possible) everyday before going to sleep. I also go to the cinema on the first day of showing of a movie I've been waiting for so long and yup, I am a movie addict and I'm proud of it! I will be reviewing the films I've been watching and will share my opinion on what flick is buzzing around the world.

When it comes to this, I usually don't have a specific "style" or "genre" of my choice of clothes because I feel like I am a chameleon when it comes to my fashion. I can just wear a plain white shirt and walking shorts and simple sneakers or I can go over the top neon colors of clothing or all black! Fashion is just another way to express yourself and to have fun so I think there are no rules. (Well,unless you really look so hideous! hahaha) And the worst part of all, I don't have enough money to buy everything I want!!! (Crying in a river of my tears)

I. EAT. A. LOT. 
(No more further explanation)

I love to read books especially when I don't have anything to do or when I am not that busy or usually every Sunday mornings. I am addicted to Sci-Fi,Horror,Thriller,Dystopian,Action,Adventure kind of stories. My favorite books are The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, everyday by David Levithan, I Am Number Four series by Pittacus Lore and the list goes on and on and on...
So yeah! I will also feature some books that I will surely recommend to everybody!

I collect a lot of stuffs! Like Books, Music albums, Magazines, DVDs, Clothes,etc. I will also be blogging about cool stuffs I've bought or updates of my collections.

In today's generation, technology is usually a priority or what really matters. Will be posting things about technology and innovation such as new gadgets, apps or whatever those crazy scientists are inventing for the better of our future!

So yeah my life wouldn't be private anymore LOL! But of course I would like to share to everybody how I live and all. Simply, I Live This Way and I want to AMPlify my voice to the whole world that it's good to be yourself and to show everyone your talent and confidence. So with what I just wrote, the things I will be posting is not just that I am "show off" or "vain" I am just confident and proud for the hard work I have done in my life and would like to express it with pictures and artworks.

"A Life Lived For ART is Never a Life Wasted" - Macklemore

So, now that you know a lot about me, feel free to share my posts and leave comments if there's any wrong spelling or grammar or what's on your mind that you want to tell me. So thanks for reading my first post and please do visit again and GET AMPLIFIED on what's the world is been talking about! 


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